
Expanded Consciousness Co-Creating

What is Wombifest? To help explain, let’s talk about Manifestation.

‘Manifestation’ originates from ‘manifestare,’ which means to make public or to reveal. ‘Mani’ hints at manual creation, something shaped by hand, while ‘-festation’ implies making something firm or real. Essentially, it's about bringing something into reality.

This is where ‘Wombifestation’ comes into play. It’s not just a play on words; it's a shift in Consciousness. By replacing ‘mani’ with ‘womb,’ the focus moves from handcrafting to birthing from ‘The Womb’ – a symbol of creation, origin, and nurturing.

‘Wombifestation’ infuses the concept of manifestation with a feminine, nurturing energy. It’s about Co-Creating with the energy of life itself. It emphasizes nurturing and birthing our desires and goals, similar to how life is nurtured and developed in the womb.

When I talk about ‘Wombifesting,’ I’m not merely replacing one term with another. It’s about embracing an Expanded Consciousness approach to manifestation. It's about understanding the power of creation that lies within the energetic womb, which applies to all genders.

Words are not just letters strung together; they are powerful, they are magic. The energy of the Womb, in its incredible ability to create and nurture life, also holds the key to birthing our dreams, ideas, and even wealth.

Why does it feel like manifestation sometimes misses the mark? My perspective is that humans get too caught up in linear thinking, rigid planning, and tight deadlines. This approach can sometimes restrict the natural, expansive flow of creation.

With ‘Wombifest,’ we honor a more holistic, nurturing approach to bringing our desires to fruition. It's about Surrendering to the natural, expansive, and creative flow of the universe.

As we choose to Expand our Consciousness and Co-Create the life of our dreams, we remember to balance the feminine element of nurturing our dreams and desires, giving them the space to grow in their own Divine time and way. That’s the essence of ‘Wombifest.’